to clasp or hold under the arm, to support; to prop up; to aid, to exchange; to alter, to lift up or off; to raise high
【卯集中】【手字部】㨙 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤戸佳切,音鞋。挾物也。又扶也。 又胡計切,音系。杭越之閒謂換曰㨙。或作𢭁。 又《集韻》戸禮切,奚上聲。揭也。
to clasp or hold under the arm, to support; to prop up; to aid, to exchange; to alter, to lift up or off; to raise high
【卯集中】【手字部】㨙 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤戸佳切,音鞋。挾物也。又扶也。 又胡計切,音系。杭越之閒謂換曰㨙。或作𢭁。 又《集韻》戸禮切,奚上聲。揭也。