In the distance, a line of silos was silhouetted against the horizon. 从后视镜里看得到不远处一排高大的筒仓耸立在天空下。
Functional silos and communication barriers kill efficiency and productivity. 筒仓和通讯功能障碍杀人效率和生产力。
Their missile silos are below ground. 他们的导弹发射井在地下。
This can lead to lots of frantic battles to control the various missile silos, as they periodically loft up a missile that can damage the energy shield. 这个特点会为了控制各种导弹发射井而引发众多的激烈战役,因为这些导弹发射井可以阶段性地发射导弹,击毁能量盾。