You can create a domain or a standalone root. 您可以创建一个域或独立的根目录。
For standalone drives, check to make sure that the tape is actually loaded. 对于独立的驱动程序,请检查以确保真正安装了磁带。
Many contain embedded interpreted programming languages, but these languages aren't nearly as robust as the standalone languages mentioned above. 很多内置解释的程序语言,但是这些语言都无法像上面所说的单独的语言那样健壮。
You can even make a tab a standalone application that runs from the Start Menu, or the desktop, as if it was a separate program. 你甚至可以让标签成为一个单独的应用程序,从开始菜单或桌面直接运行,就好像这是个单独的软件一样。