词性及解释 Part of speech and definition 【医】强迫性神经失调例句 Sentences A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitalia in public.暴露癖一种性心理反常的行为,特征是喜欢在公开场合下暴露外生殖器A frightening, compulsive novel.一本吸引人的恐怖小说She\'s obsessive about punctuality.她对守时十分固执。An obsessive need to win.急迫的想赢的欲望Obsessive preoccupation with the self.利已狂对自我的过度专注搜索更多短句 相关词条 Relative words disorder hereditary disorder rotational disorder storage disorder hearing disorder sleep disorder learning disorder character disorder lattice disorder speech disorder stacking disorder magnetic disorder Obsessive compulsive personality disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder obsessive-compulsive personality disorder obsessive?compulsive personality disorder obsessive-compulsive obsessive-compulsive personality obsessive-compulsive neurosis obsessive?compulsive neurosis Obsessive-compulsive personality trait Obsessive-compulsive personality obsessive-compulsive personalistics A psychosexual disorder marked by the compulsive exposure of the genitalia in public.暴露癖一种性心理反常的行为,特征是喜欢在公开场合下暴露外生殖器
A frightening, compulsive novel.一本吸引人的恐怖小说
She\'s obsessive about punctuality.她对守时十分固执。
An obsessive need to win.急迫的想赢的欲望
Obsessive preoccupation with the self.利已狂对自我的过度专注