As an author who was in a period when the new and the old interlaced, Cervantes had a brand of two ages inevitably. 作为新旧两个时代交替期的作家,塞万提斯身上不可避免地带有两个时代的烙印。
You may personalize the design to match your company's existing brand identity and design specifications. 您也可以进行个性化设计,使其符合公司的现有商标与设计规范。
The advertising manager may set as a goal for advertising an increase of 15 percent in consumer brand awareness in the next six months. 广告经理确定的目标为:在今后的6个月里,通过广告,提高消费者商标知晓率的15%25。
She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes. 她已改吸另一牌子味道较淡的香烟。
More than three million British adults bought fake luxury items last year. The most desirable brand was Louis Vuitton, followed by Gucci, Burberry, Tiffany, Prada, Hermes, Chanel, Dior, Yves St Laurent and Cartier. 去年,英国共有300多万人购买假名牌。最受青睐的牌子是路易斯·维登,其次是古奇、柏帛丽、蒂凡尼、普拉达、赫尔墨斯、夏奈尔、迪奥、圣罗兰和卡迪亚。
He has his own brand of humor. 他有他独特的幽默感。
The ceiling is pasted with labels of liquor brand . 天花板上贴了许多酒类商标。
用作及物动词 (vt.)
Those who have triumphantly withstood such strains may brand his name. 那些成功地经受了严峻考验的人们或许会污辱他的名声。
It's unfair to brand all football fans as troublemakers. 把所有的球迷都当成闹事者是不公平的。
Cowboys round up their cattle in the spring time to brand the new calves. 牛仔们在春天时把牛赶拢在一起,给新生下来的看犊打上印记。