The abolishment of the death penalty_ is _a controversial issue_. 死刑的废除是个具有争议的事件。
Some environmentalists and pig farmers even appeal for governmental abolishment of laws regarding addition of alcohol fuel. 一些环保主义者和猪农甚至在努力争取使政府废除有关增加乙醇燃料的法律。
Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot. 自从国家取消了农业税,农民就可以不纳粮了,负担减轻了许多!
For instance, after the abolishment of the fixed telephone installation fee, many places saw long queues of applicants waiting for the installation of new telephones. 比如初装费取消后,很多地方甚至出现了排队装电话的火热局面。