Brush off the fuzz that has blown on. 把被风吹上去的绒毛刷掉。
Mud brushes off easily when it is dry. 泥巴干了容易刷掉。
They brush off the charges without any comment. 他们不理不睬那指控,也未作任何解释。
In fine, all Sedley's wealthy friends had dropped off one by one. 总之,赛特笠的有钱朋友慢慢的都不理他了。
Perhaps if we once admit in Franciscan and Darwinian vein that the creatures we so insouciantly brush aside are our relatives, we would treat them differently. 或许,假如某天我们能像圣方济和达尔文那样,不再漫不经心地漠视这些生物,而是把它们当作我们的亲人,我们就可以用不同的方式来对待它们。