The doctors have taped up my swollen ankle. 医生们用绷带把我肿起的脚踝包扎起来。
So, through the process of osmosis, the water moves into the saltier ocular tissues, which makes them swell up. 水分就通过渗透作用进入到盐度大的眼睛组织里,而使其肿胀。
The pups, their bellies swollen with regurgitated meat, are on the threshold of being physically strong enough to keep up with their pack in the field. 小狗们的腹部因反刍的羚羊肉而肿胀,它们的身体开始变得够强壮以跟上草原上的同伙。
That boy puffed up himself in front of the girls. 那男孩在女孩面前吹捧自已。
The man cries up his son as the cleverest. 这人吹捧自己的儿子是最聪明的。