The cross section of a bridge deck may twist as a result of excessive life. 桥面横断面可能由于过量的升力而发生扭转。
In addition, the cross section structure for polyvinyl butyral membranes is similar to the structure of acetalized PVA membranes. 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛膜与聚乙烯醇缩乙醛膜具有相似的横断面结构。
The course concentrates on subsurface structural techniques and the interpretation of seismic sections and cross sections as applied to structural geology and prospect generation. 该课程以地下构造技术以及用于构造地质学和描绘远景的地震剖面和截面图解释为中心。
用作名词 (n.)
Traditional plant breeding involves crossing varieties of the same species in ways they could cross naturally. 传统作物育种能自然地在同种物种间相互多样性的杂交。