Like the single-stage regulator, outlet pressure from the first stage of the two-stage regulator rises as cylinder pressure decreases. 同单级调整器一样,两级调整器的第一级的出口压力随钢瓶压力的降低而升高。
Like the single-stage regulator, outlet pressure from the first stage of the two-stage regulator rises as cylinder pressure decreases. 同单级调整器一样,两级调整器的第一级的出口压力随钢瓶压力的降低而升高。
With an increasing number of transistors integrated on a single die, the need for global on-chip interconnectivity is growing. 本文提出一应用于萤光灯管的可调光单级高功因电子安定器,电路架构由准半桥共振换流器及降升压转换器所组成。