They wanted her as an image to dance around. 他们要把她当作一尊偶像来围着她跳舞。
Why have they provoked Me to anger With their graven images and with strange idols? 耶和华说,他们为什么以雕制的偶像,和外邦的偶像,惹我发怒呢?
She was a large image of a sweet sleepy child. 她真是一个想瞌睡的甜密孩子的大型塑像。
In his white costume, scarlet scarf and sandals, President Rajapakse cultivates the image of a beneficent guru. 在他白色的民族服装下,拉贾帕克萨总统身着绯红色的领带和凉鞋,陶醉在仁慈的印度教导师的塑像之中。