Redundant, Outdated, or Trivial (material on web pages; US EPA)冗余,过时的,还是微不足道(资料在网页上,美国环保署)
right occipito-transverse枕右横
Receive Only Terminal只接收终端
Reign of Terror (band, and also a gaming clan)恐怖统治(乐队,也是一种游戏族)
Republic of Texas (biker rally)德克萨斯共和国(骑摩托车集会)
Rule of Thumb经验法则,(安培)右手定则
Runway Occupancy Time跑道占用时间
Republic of Turkey土耳其共和国
Restraint of Traden. 贸易管制
Running Object Table远行对象表
Rate of Turn转弯速率
Right on Time准时
Record Of Trial[法] 审讯笔录, 审讯记录