Phytolith analysis是什么意思 Phytolith analysis怎么读
Phytolith analysis的相关资料
PHn.[化]酸碱度(=Potential Of Hydrogen)abbr.公共卫生(=Public Health)abbr.紫心勋章(=Purple Heart)
Phytolith analysis的用法和样例
- New information on the response of vegetation to air-fall volcanic ash is provided by analysis of phytoliths from sediments containing major tephra beds.
含火山灰层沉积的植硅体分析为了解植被对从空中下降的火山灰的反应提供新的信息。 - It shows that phytolith has its own advantage in paleo-evironmental reconstruction of peat bogs, and will be of great help in discriminating the palaeo-climatic change.