Cheapness is one of the main attractions of polyester resins. 廉价是聚酯树脂受到欢迎的主要原因之一。
What has changed, in this field as in so many others, is the availability and cheapness of computing power. 正如其它领域的一些变化,在这个领域已经改变的是计算机拥有了计算能力以及其廉价性。
It has the advantage of cheapness. 它有便宜的优点。
The print was indeed large, but since the society that arranged the publication insisted on the combination of cheapness with utility, the paper was abominable. 印刷字体的确很大,可是由于安排这本书出版的团体坚决要求把它印制得便宜实用,所以纸张糟糕透顶。