Noun:- a coupler shaped like the letter U with holes through each end so a bolt or pin can pass through the holes to complete the coupling; used to attach a drawbar to a plow or wagon or trailer etc.
CLGPabbr.[军] Cannon Launched Guided Projectile;加农炮发射导弹
CLabbr.车辆荷载(=car load)abbr.中心线(=center line)abbr.大陆法(=civil law)abbr.普通法(=common law)
clonal verification无性系鉴定
Clostridium ovalare[医] 卵形梭状芽胞杆菌
clarificating agent澄清剂
clonal regeneration无性系再生
Clostera anachoretan.杨扇舟蛾
clastic deformation碎屑变形
Clostridium paludis[医] 魏氏C型梭状芽胞杆菌
Clostridium baratii巴氏梭菌
Clavicle hook plate锁骨钩钢板
Clematis subsect.( 4 )归并了subsect.