The horse went off at a gallop across the field. 那匹马疾驰起来跑过田野。
All the horses broke into a gallop. 所有的马突然飞奔起来。
The donkey began to trot faster , then to gallop. 驴开始跑得快起来了,然后飞奔。
用作动词 (v.)
Two people gallop whip and spur, do not come in the city a little while. 两人快马加鞭飞驰,不一会儿就来到城里。
When running free, the Afghan Hound moves at a gallop, showing great elasticity and spring in his smooth, powerful stride. 自由奔跑时,阿富汗猎犬是飞驰的,它平稳有力的步幅显示出极大的弹力和跳跃力。