The intensification of these energy waves has been occurring for some time and will definitely keep on occurring. 这些增强的能量波已经发生了一段时间而且将明确的继续发生。
The intensification of the immunological response represents the body's natural defense. 增强免疫反应代表身体的自然保卫。
In order to enhance their ethic autonomy, individuals should depend on the rationality of the institutional arrangements and the intensification of their ethic awareness. 而要提高个人的伦理自主性,不仅在于制度安排的合理性,而且在于个人自身伦理意识的加强。
Meanwhile, in the long run the deeper influence of bipartisanship was reflected in the intensification of Cold War consensus and the expansion of executive power. 长期来看,两党合作的深层影响则是加强了冷战共识和行政部门权力的扩张,并在本质上与美国分权制衡的宪政原则相抵触。
The purpose of developing is the intensification of the latent to such a degree that it becomes visible. 显影的目的是强化潜影,使它显现出来。
And the intensification of ammonium paratungstate crystal preparation with ultrasound is recommended. 提出超声波强化仲钨酸铵结晶过程的新思路。