He was astonishingly adept at manipulating the big machine. 他操作这台大机器熟练得惊人。
Like any culturally adept traveler, the tribe has changed its appearance throughout its history. 就像任何聪明熟练的旅行老鸟,从历史上到如今这个部族一直不断地改变自己的面貌。
It may not have the best table manners, but this strange looking creature is certainly a very adept and unusual percussionist, which should help provide Nick with a good beat. 也许它的吃相并不雅观,但这种相貌奇特的动物肯定是一位老练的打击乐高手,能为尼克提供一些不错的素材。
用作名词 (n.)
Many became adept, and thousands of fires were extinguished before they took hold. 其中有很多人成了专家,几千颗烧夷弹还没有燃烧,火势头就被扑灭了。