When in New York City, it is customary for the visitor to take in a Broadway show. 参观者到了纽约市,通常都会去百老汇观看演出。
The visitor twisted his neck to look at the photograph on the wall behind him. 参观者扭过头看他身后墙上的照片。
Always remember, you're never more than one-click away from visitor abandonment. 请记住,访问者一旦放弃浏览你的网站,他们就不会再点击你的站点了。
Some sites cram too much information on each page causing problems to your visitor in recognising the section they are looking for. 有些网站在网页上填满了信息,在访问者寻找信息的过程中,给他们造成了一些麻烦。
She smiled falsely at her unwelcome visitor. 她虚情假意地对不受她欢迎的访客微笑。
They thought he was a visitor of great importance. 他们认为他是一个颇不简单的访客。