Know that these aches and pains are just blockages and that they will be moved shortly. 了解这些伤痛不过只是沮滞并且将立刻被移除。
And it's hardly a coincidence that shortly after Usmanov hires a big shot PR firm these kinds of pieces begin to appear in the papers. 当乌斯马诺夫刚刚雇用了强悍的公关公司后,这类东西就立刻出现在报纸上,很难让人信服这只是一种巧合。
I hope to announce the winner shortly. 我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字。
I shall therefore be going to the bank shortly to complete these formalities so that there is no further delay in releasing the documents and consignment. 我因此将打算马上去银行来完成这些手续以便在让渡货物和文件的过程中别再耽误了。