The defeated army must assent to the domination of the victors. 被打败的军队必须同意胜利军队的支配。
At this point, we could not say that it was the male domination. 再者,从表层上来看,行使支配权者多为男性,但这并不意味着男人是完全支配女人的。
His domination by his brother made him very angry. 他被他哥哥所控制,这使他非常气愤。
They threw off the yoke of domination. 他们摆脱了控制。
It is prevalently accepted that Science Misconducts are in the domination of academe traditionally.Law is hard to interfere, even it can't be interfered. 摘要传统上人们普遍认为科学不端行为是学术界管辖的事情,法律很少干预,也不能干预。