A memory map is the addressing plan for the address bus bits. 存贮器布局就是地址总线各位的寻址平面图。
Factors which will influence the addressing speed in SMPDP are investigated. 本论文分析了荫罩式等离子显示器中影响寻址速度的因素。
We can understand the addressing mode better and call it correctly by analyzing the storing position of memory's data operation. 从分析存储器操作数的存放地址入手,可以更好地理解寻址方式,准确访问存储器操作数。
By specifying an interface for accessing the buckets of the container the standard pretty much requires that the hash table uses chained addressing. 通过指定一个接口用于访问容器中的桶,标准几乎就是要求散列表使用链接法。