Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C. 凯撒在西元前五十年时征服高卢。
We have most material about Gaul. 我们所有的材料,以关于高卢的为最多。
Timagenes tells almost the same, citing the Druids of Gaul as his sources. 马盖奈斯几乎诉说了相同的事实,在他的资料中引证了高卢人的德鲁伊教。
On one occasion she petitioned citizenship for a Gaul, and although her request was not granted, Augustus awarded the man an alternate prize. 有一次她替一个高卢人请求公民权,显然这个要求被拒绝了,奥古斯都赏赐了那个人别的一些东西作为代替。