She complained about the omission of her name from the list. 她抱怨名单上遗漏了她的名字。
One day you will have to answer to your leader for your sins of omission. 有一天你得向领导说明你的疏忽罪。
Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission. 你没能注意到她的错误是一个严重的疏忽。
The play is shorten by the omission of two scenes . 该剧经删去两场而缩短了。
A discussion is devoted to the supplementation and omission of words or phrases in Chinese-English translation. 论述了汉英翻译过程中词句的增补与省略。
Many browsers make good guesses when confronted with missing tags, leading the document author to assume that a valid omission was made. 当遇到有标签被省略的情况时,很多浏览器都能够很好地推断出来,使文档的作者认为这种忽略是合法的。