The movie is about between the Martian and earthman's matter. 影片是关于火星人与地球人之间的事。
I have a feeling that more people would understand English than the weird Martian that is spreading in this thread. 我有更多的人将会超过正在这一条线中传布的怪异的火星人了解英语的感觉。
用作形容词 (adj.)
The two Viking landers tested small amounts of Martian soil for signs of life. 为了寻找生命的迹象,海盗号的两个着陆器对火星的少量土壤进行了研究。
The Earthling and the Martian agree that she holds a single object in her hand, but they disagree over what its sort is. 地球和火星的都认为她拿着一个客体,但她们对什么类型的客体的想法并不一样。