Thus, our experiences revealed that limited septal dermoplasty is beneficial in carefully selected patients with recurrent severe epistaxis from anterior septal erosions. 因此,我们的经验显示鼻中隔植皮术对于鼻中隔前部糜烂所造成的反覆严重鼻出血有明显助益。
If you suffer from epistaxis caused by excessive internal heat, then you should not eat any spicy food. 如果是因为上火而经常鼻衄,那就应当忌食辛辣了。
Epistaxis or nasal bleeding commonly occurs at the junction of the internal carotid artery derivatives and the external carotid artery derivatives. 鼻衄或鼻腔出血通常是发生在内颈动脉和外颈动脉分支的交合点。