The predicate should be in agreement with the subject in person and number. 谓语和主语应该在人称和数方面保持一致。
In general, a grammatical clause contains a subject and a predicate. 一般说来,一个合乎文法的子句包含有主语与谓语。
用作动词 (v.)
Your proposal is acceptable, as we all predicate. 正如我们所断言的那样,你的建议是可以接受的。
His theory predicates the system of the universe. 他的理论断定宇宙有体系。
Most religions predicate life after death. 大多数的宗教宣称死后仍有生命。
He predicates his argument on the facts. 他的论据以事实为基础
用作形容词 (adj.)
He did not pay enough attention to the agreement of the subject and the predicate. 他对主谓语的对应关系注意不够。
In Chinese, a preposition plus a nominal structure used as the adverbial must be placed before the predicate, e.g. 在汉语中介词加上后面的名词性结构作状语,一定要放在谓语的前面,不能放在谓语的后面。