游览长城-A Trip to th Grat Wall游览长城-A Trip to th Grat Wall
Thr days ago w dcidd to visit th Grat Wall.
Today w mt at th bus stop arly in th morning. Whn w wr on th bus, w saw a lot of nw buildings and nw shops.Bijing was tallr than bfor, I thought.
It took us about two hours to gt to th Grat Wall. Whn th Grat Wall appard in front of us, w couldn' , t hlp thinking how wondrful it is! I wondrd how th popl in th past built it without modm machins. It is said you can s it from th spac.I was proud of it.
Aftr coming hom I mad up my mind to study hardr than bfor. Whn I grow up, I will work hard to mak our country mor bautiful and strongr.
May 1stSaturdayFin
If you don't go to th Grat Wall, you won't bcom a hro.
On May Day my classmats and I wnt to th Grat Wall.W got on th bus in th arly morning. On our way to th Grat Wall, w saw lots of nw buildings bing built hr and thr.Bijing is changing a lot vry day.
Aftr two hours th Grat Wall appard bfor our ys.Sh was so wondrful that w couldn't hlp chring. At onc w startd towards th top. W wr vry gladto b hros in th nd. How grat th Grat Wall is! W wr proud of th Grat Wall and th popl who had built it. And w mad our mind to work hardr than bfor. W will try our bst to mak our mothrland richr and strongr.