事例论证:女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men?

更新时间:2025-03-05 14:19:36 高中生作文


事例论证:女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men?




1.infrior a.差的;次的2.intllignc n.智力;聪明3.intllignt a.聪明的;智力好的


Ar Womn Infrior to Mn?

I had always blivd that mn and womn in our country wr not only qual in social position but also in intllignc. But whn I first ntrd th collg, I found that som boy studnts smd indd to b mor intllignt and much quickr at undrstanding than girl studnts. I flt somwhat infrior, and I bgan to doubt whthr I could succd. Ar mn and womn rally qual in intllignc? I am oftn troubld by th qustion. Thn I happnd to got hold of a book about Madam Curi. I was dply imprssd by hr strong will powr. Madam Curi workd hard so sh bcam a top studnt in hr univrsity. Aftr graduation sh bcam a wll-known physicist and som yars latr sh got th Nobl Priz.From thn on, sh bcam a grat ncouragmnt to m in my study. Whr thr is a will, thr is a way. At last I bcam th top studnt in my class and got th first priz in th nglish and physics comptitions. This mad m f crtain that womn ar no lss clvr than mn. Bsids, I was also activ in physical xrciss. I joind th track and fild tam and took part in ping-pong comptitions. I was rally proud of myslf for bing th womn's all-round champion①in th sports mt of our collg. This provd again that a girl can do just as wll as a boy.

As a mattr of fact, many womn in our country hav provd that thy can mak just as grat contributions to th four modrnizations as mn. For instanc, Hua Yi (华怡), an xprt of hovrcrafts②, and Xi Lijuan (谢丽娟), th vic-mayorss③ of Shanghai ar just two xampls.

I firmly bliv thr will b mor and mor womn writrs, womn scintists, and womn ntrprisrs④ in our country. I hop I can bcom on of thm in th nar futur.



①th womn's all-round champion ['tM$mpj+n] 女子全能冠军

②an xprt ['ksp+:t]of hovrcraft['h&v+kr%:ft]气垫船专家

③th vic-mayorss[?vais'm+ris]n. 女副市长

④ntrprisr['nt+prais+]n. 企业家;创业者


本又以“Womn ar not infrior to mn.”为论点,用事例法进行论证,证明自己的观点是正确的。事例有两种,一是例证(illustration),二是事例(fact或xampl)。所谓例证就是举出一个例子后加以详细叙述,如本文中叙述的居里夫人和作者自己的例子。所谓事例就是只举出事实或例子,不详细陈述,如本文中说到的“华怡”和“谢丽娟”。用事例法论证时有时要用衔接词语“for xampl”,“for instanc”,“such as”等。

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