四月雨带来五月花(brought rain in April Mayflower)

更新时间:2025-02-19 23:01:09 高中生作文

from th goldn-tippd filds of mid-wst amrica to th ancint kingdoms of vrdant palstin, thr is a happy truth to b shard with all who would tak hd. in mor rcnt tims, this truth has bn xprssd as: april showrs bring may flowrs. this is a truth that promiss light bursting from darknss, strngth born from waknss and, if on dars to bliv, lif mrging from dath.从美国中西部金色的田野,到巴勒斯坦嫩绿色的古老疆土,那些留心观察的人共享着同一个快乐真理。近来这一真理被阐述为:四月的雨带来五月的花。这一真理预示光明会从黑暗中迸发;刚强生自软弱;如果你敢确信,生命会从死亡中萌发!farmrs all ovr th world know th importanc and immutability of th sasons. thy know that thr is a sason to plant and a sason to harvst; vrything must b don in its own tim. although th rain pours down with th utmost rlntlssnss, casing all outdoor activitis, th man of th fild lifts his fac to th havns and smils. dspit th inconvninc, h knows that th rain provids th nourishmnt his crops nd to grow and flourish. th torrntial rains in th month of april, giv ris to th glorious flowrs in th month of may.全世界的农民们都明白季节的重要性和永恒性。他们知道在哪个季节播种,哪个季节收获,每件事都必须应时而做!虽然暴雨无情地倾盆而下,迫使所有的户外劳作停止,但土地的主人会仰天微笑。尽管有诸多不便,但是他知道,雨会为他的庄稼带来繁茂生长所需的营养。四月里的豪雨,会带来五月里的繁花似锦。but this ancint truth applis to mor than th crops of th filds; it is an invaluabl mssag of hop to all who xprinc tragdy in lif. a dashd rlationship with on can opn up th door to a brand nw frindship with anothr. a lost job hr can provid th opportunity for a bttr job thr. a brokn dram can bcom th foundation of a wondrful futur. vrything has its plac.但是这一古老真理并不只适用于田里的庄稼,它还是那些正经历着人生磨难的人的无限希冀:一段友谊的受挫会开启另一段崭新友谊的大门;此处失去的工作会提供彼处更好的工作机会;一个梦想的破灭会成为美好未来的基石。万物皆有道!rmmbr this: ovrwhlming darknss may ndur for a night, but it will nvr ovrcom th radiant light of th morning. whn you ar in a sason of sorrow, hang in thr, bcaus a sason of joy may b just around th cornr&hllip;请谨记:势不可挡的黑暗或有一晚,但它永远无法阻挡清晨的万丈光芒!当你正处于悲伤之季,请坚持住,因为欢乐的季节也许马上就会到来&hllip;&hllip;

四月雨带来五月花(brought rain in April Mayflower)

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