我们的家(Our House)

更新时间:2025-02-26 01:11:54 初中生作文

我们的家(Our Hous)i hav a bautiful hous. my parnts and i liv in our hous now. it is nar th lak. w all lik our hous. w ar vry happy.our hous is not vry big, but i think it is vry good. look! hr is th door. it is opn. lt us go and visit our hous.wlcom to our hous. thr ar thr bdrooms, a kitchn, a bathroom and a larg sitting room in our hous. lt us look at my small room first. thr is a bookcas in my room. thr ar many books in th bookcas. on th right of th bookcas, thr is a bd. thr is a doll and som cloths on th bd. thr ar a lot of postrs on th wall. nar th bookcas, thr is a dsk. i study at it vry day. on th dsk, thr is a computr. i oftn play computr gams on it. thr ar two lamps and a clock in my small room, too.look at our parnts’ room, thr is a tv and a sofa. thr is a big bd in it, too. thr ar lots of picturs and two lamps on th wall.thn look at our sitting room, thr is a tv and two sofas in it. thr ar two tabls and chairs in th sitting room, too.w lik our hous vry much. do you lik it?

我们的家(Our House)

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