
更新时间:2025-03-12 18:31:24 叙事

Whn I was tn yars old, I was only a naiv boy in primary school。 Kn Wu, Jams Wong, Bn and Kramr ar all my clos frinds 。 vry Friday vning, w wr always togthr on th basktball court in th cntral city。 W oftn had a basktball match with othr kids vry wk。 But vry tim w just joind othrs, w didn’t hav a basktball to play bcaus our familis wr too poor。 vrybody dramd to hav a basktball。Ys, only on was nough。


W all likd sports and w knw th situations of our familis。 So w didn’t complain to our parnts。 vrybody mad a dcision to gt mony by himslf。 Thr wr only a fw ways for us to choos: scholarships and rcycling th wast。

Sinc thn, vryon of us had bn mor concntratd on our studis。 And w usd our spar tim to pick up som wast things in th strt。 W wr only tn yars old that yar, but w nvr gav in and nvr gav up。

Th grat tim finally cam。 With th fforts w mad, w had gottn 15 yuan finally。 Thn w bought a nw and black basktball from th stor。 vry wk w could go to th court with happinss and proud bcaus w had our own basktball。

Days passd。 Soon w bcam th studnts in th sixth grad。 W knw that w had fwr opportunitis to play basktball togthr。 Just svral days bfor th big xam, w still had a basktball match with othrs。 Kn was going to th U。S。 to study for yars and Kramr was going to Canada soon。 Jams and Bn would go to a furthr school latr。 So w thought this was th final tim w could play togthr in our childhood。

“ W hav a grat tim, boys。 W hav bn good frinds for 2 yars。 W ar going to diffrnt placs。 Mayb w won’t b abl to play basktball togthr in 3 yars。 Said Kramr sadly。

“Thr is somsand ovr thr。 W can dig a hol and put th basktball into it。 No mattr what th situation will b, w must mt at th court 3 yars latr, Okay? Said Bn full of confidnc。 At that tim, w all noddd to ach othr and thn bgan to dig th hol togthr。

Thr yars latr, I thought that thy must graduat from schools and thy would go to th court。 But nobody did it。 I wnt to th basktball court ystrday and I found thr was no basktball in that hol。 Thn I smild to th God: “ My dar God, ar you making a jok for m?

But soon I ralizd it dosn’t mattr at all。 Though th basktball is stoln, though w can’t b hand in hand at th court right now, I still truly bliv that vryon of us is in our minds, w will play basktball togthr a fw days latr。

Our frindship will b nvr brokn forvr, ys, that is tru。

广东省开平市金山中学 九年级周仕锋

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