Th Pigons in Tokyo
Last summr I mad a tn-day visit to Japan. I wnt to Tokyo①,th capital of Japan, which is a vry modrn city. Howvr, what mad a lasting imprssion upon m was not th high buildings, but th pigons that I happnd to s at a subway ② station.
I was sitting on a bnch outsid th station whn I saw som pigons flying hr and thr. Thy lookd as if thy wr looking for somthing to at. I lik littl animals, spcially littl birds, so I took som biscuits③ out of my bag and brok thm into pics. Soon a pigon flw ovr and at th biscuits from my hand! I got frightnd and droppd th biscuits to th ground. Th littl birds startd to at th biscuits on th ground. In a short tim many pigons gathrd in front of m.
“Wow ④ !”I said to myslf,“thy don't far mn at all.” Thy soon at up all thbiscuits. And thn th pigons cood around m; it smd that thy wantd mor. I took out all th biscuits lft in my bag. Thy again at happily and cood at th sam tim. I thought thy wr xprssing thanks in this way. What lovly pigons!
Thn cam th train. I had to go. I took a last look at th pigons and lft.
On my way to th hotl, I thought that th pigons hr wr vry clos to popl bcaus popl lov thm and nvr hurt thm.
I hop that all th popl in China will also lov and protct animals. If w all do our bst to mak animals liv in pac, in th nar futur w will hav a mor bautiful and intrsting worldaround us.
①Tokyo ['t+ukj+u] n. 东京(日本首都)
②subway ['s)bwi] n. 地下铁道
③biscuit ['biskit] n. 饼干
④wow [wau] int. 哇(表示惊奇、欢乐、痛苦、羡慕等)