
更新时间:2025-03-12 18:53:24 叙事

How many tims hav you hard th xprssion that most popl spnd mor tim planning thir vacation than thy do planning thir livs. I would xpand that xprssion by adding that most popl spnd mor tim "thinking" about thir vacation than thy do thinking about what's important in thir lif. Whil rst and rlaxation ar a must in living a balancd lif, it's not what w wr cratd to do. Aftr all, th Mastr Crator took his R&R (Rst and Rcration) on th svnth day, only aftr six days of "dfinitly dirctd thought." Wallac D. Wattls, wrot "Thr is no labor from which most popl shrink as thy do from that of sustaind and conscutiv thought; it is th hardstwork in th world." And yt it is th first and primary labor of achivmnt. My frind Mik Litman wrot an outstanding articl for his zin this wk. It's calld "Th Millionair Composit" and it analyzs on of th big diffrncs btwn supr-succssful popl and vryon ls. H writs "I rcntly visitd with a Ral stat Multi Millionair Mogul. What did I s nxt to his dsk? His vision statmnt, along with a list of what h valus in lif---hand writtn. "A fw months back, I intrviwd an individual who has sold ovr a billion dollars worth of products on tlvision. H told m that h rads his lif and businss vision and goals daily, and that h TAKS TIM to visualiz xactly what h wants to crat-ACH NIGHT bfor falling aslp." What is your lif's purpos or your prsonal mission statmnt? Is it writtn down? Do you rviw it and think about it oftn? Is your lif organizd around your purpos and a st of goals that support that purpos? Without purpos and goals - dfinitly dirctd thought - you ar lik th provrbial "ship without a ruddr." Thr is powr in your purpos and in your goals. It is th powr that taks you ovr obstacls, th ful that propls you toward th lif you nvision. On of my favorit passags of Jams Alln is on h wrot in "Th Mastry of Dstiny": "All succssful popl ar popl of purpos. Thy hold fast to an ida, a projct, a plan, and will not lt it go; thy chrish it, brood upon it, tnd and dvlop it; and whn assaild by difficultis, thy rfus to b bguild into surrndr; indd, th intnsity of th purpos incrass with th growing magnitud of th obstacls ncountrd." And that's worth thinking about.


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