Staying at Home Alone

更新时间:2025-03-02 15:21:19 叙事

Thusday Nov. 16, 2003 Fin I took my school rport and cam back hom cautiously only to find mothr wasnt at hom. Sh wnt to my aunts and wou!d com back in th vcning. I knw that fiom a not on th tabl. I was still a littl bit frightnd as if mothr would com back suddnly. Sing th low marks on th school rport and rmcmbring mothrs cold fac, I almost trmbld with far. lf mothr know I got so low marks oa th subjcts, spcially nglish, sh would tar all my cartoon books which ar my fovourit. I hav bn trating thm as my own lif for a long tim. But mothr always thought cartoon divrtd my attntion from study and had a bad ffct on m. Frankly spaking, I had ralizd it. Mothr hatd thos books. Sh had warnd m if I got low marks onc mor sh would gt rid of thm. I Still wantd to kp thos books vn if I would mvr touch thm from thn on. What should I do? I knw that any prsuation was in vain. I would prvnt mothr from doing that. A good ida strok m. I gathrd all th books and put thm in a box. Thn, I hid th box undr my bd. Having don it carfully, I had a brathing spll. Opning th nglish book, I sat at th dsk and bgan to rad. It was rally th tim that I larnd nglish carfully, I thought.

Staying at Home Alone

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