A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday范文

更新时间:2025-03-19 02:54:47 初中生作文

A Nic Wintr Holiday,A Nic Wintr Holiday范文A Nic Wintr Holiday 英语作文网为您收集 A Nic Wintr Holiday

A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday范文

Spring Fstival is th most important and xciting fstival in China. I had a vry nic wintr holiday this yar.

On Nw Yar’s v, whn I was standing by th window, watching th skyrockts, I mad a wish. I hopd that I would do vrything wll in th nw yar.

I wnt to Wolf Hill in Nantong with my family on th first day of th nw yar. Wolf Hill is not vry high, but it is vry bautiful. It is covrd with all kinds of grn trs. W took a cabl car to go up to th hill. And as w wr climbing up, w hard a bautiful pic of music coming from th tmpl. Aftr w cam into th tmpl, w saw a figur of Buddha. Thr wr quit a lot of popl thr. W ach mad a wish, and thn burnd joss sticks. W all hopd our drams will com tru . What a wondrful day I spnt!

Plasant tim always gos fast . This wintr holiday has gon . I will go back to school and study again, but I think I will nvr forgt th happy wintr holiday forvr.

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