我国继续改进外汇制度(China continues improving forex regime)

更新时间:2025-03-12 00:28:34 高中生作文

flxibility of th yuan whil kping th xchang rat stabl at a suitabl and balancd lvl, a forign ministry spoksman said ystrday. [rutrs] a stack of 100 us dollar nots and 100 yuan nots at a forign bank in shanghai in this sptmbr 3, 2003 fil photo. china will continu to improv its currncy rgim and sk gratrchina will continu to improv its currncy rgim and sk gratr flxibility of th yuan whil kping th xchang rat stabl at a suitabl and balancd lvl, a forign ministry spoksman said ystrday.h mad th rmarks aftr th bush administration on wdnsday said it would not brand china as a country manipulating its currncy for unfair trad advantag."china has always takn a highly rsponsibl attitud in dfining its currncy rgim and procdd on a path conduciv to china's conomic and social dvlopmnt, as wll as to rgional conomic and financial stability," liu jianchao told a nws brifing in bijing."w will stand firm in our rform of th financial systm to improv mchanisms for th rnminbi xchang rat, incras th flxibility of th xchang rat , improv th ability of financial institutions to manag risks and nsur that th rnminbi xchang rat rmains stabl and rational," liu said.th us trasury dpartmnt said bijing was moving, albit "slowly," on currncy rforms.china ndd th yuan's dcad-old pg to th us dollar last july, switching to a mor flxibl xchang rat systm linkd to a baskt of world currncis. th govrnmnt has allowd th yuan to ris by mor than 3 pr cnt against th dollar sinc thn."th trasury dpartmnt will closly monitor china's progrss in implmnting its conomic rbalancing stratgy... and continu activly and frankly to prss china to quickn th pac of rnminbi flxibility," th trasury dpartmnt said in a smi-annual rport on currncy practics of ky trading partnrs.two ky lawmakrs lindsy graham, a south carolina rpublican and charls schumr, a nw york dmocrat said on wdnsday thy would not sk punitiv trad lgislation against bijing until sptmbr 30 in ordr to giv china mor tim to adopt a mor flxibl forign xchang rat rgim.

我国继续改进外汇制度(China continues improving forex regime)

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