
更新时间:2025-02-26 12:16:51 写人

模块(3)For most of us today ,(1 ).From abov ,w can find that th rasonswhy (2 ) ar as follows.Th primary rason ,i think, is (3).Scond,( 4).Th third rason, actually ,is ( 5 ).Th significanc for ( 6) 。Thrfor ,( 7 ).注释:(1)人们针对XX的态度和举措(2)归纳现状(3)第一个原因(4)第二个原因(5)第三个原因(6)重申造成现状的最重要原因(7)我的建议我写的模块(3)的相应的作文,仅供参考 Pollutionmost of us today (rcogniz that nvironmntal pollution has bn a gratly srious problm . lots of plants trs corps ar dstroyd by bad air .many fish di of poisonous watr . thousands of popl di from ating poisond fish or brathing in gas . thrfor , nvironmntal pollution should b rsponsibl for ths disassthat ar disabling ,or bringing dath not only to human bings , but also to wild lif .)from abov ,w can find that th rasons why (nvironmnt ar pollutd mor and mor sriously) ar as follows.Th primary rason ,I think , is (th rason of harmful substancs into nvironmnt . for xampl ,to prvnt inscts ,farmrs mak us of grat amounts of inscticids, so as to hav bumpr harvsts . howvr ,thy pollut air ,watr and land ).Scond,(th gas coming from th car ngins and factoris also mak nvironmnt pollutd badly ).Th third rason actually is (th rsult of a growing population in th world.vryday , so much littr and wast ar pourd out from houss ,also pollut th nvironmnt ).Th significanc for (controlling pollution ) notd that it’s high tim that mor ffctiv masurs should b takn .Thrfor ,(nw laws should b passd to limit th amount of pollutants from factoris . morovr ,in th housholds ,thr is an obvious nd to rduc littr and wast . lt’s mak our good fforts ,and th world will b a safr plac to liv for us ).


模块(4)Ths days w oftn har that ( 1 ).It is common that ( 2 ).Why dos such circumstanc occur in spit of socialprotcts? For on thing ,( 3 ).For anothr,( 4 ). What is mor,sinc ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).To solv th problm is not asy at all ,but is worthtrying .W should do somthing such as ( 7 )to improv h prsnt situation ,and i do bliv vrythingwill b bttr in th futur .(1)提出论题(2)说明现状(3)理由一(4)理由二(5)理由三(6)理由三引起的后果(7)解决方法我写的模块(4)的相应的作文 pollution of nvironmntThs days w oftn har that (our living conditions ar gtting mor and mor srious bcaus of th dstruction of our nvironmnt ).It is common that (many trs and animals ar nar xtinction, and th all-important food chain has bn dstroyd .).Why dos such circumstanc occur in spit of social protcts? For on thing ,(th population of th world is incrasing so rapidly that th world has bn so crowdd. ).For anothr,(th ovrus of natural rsourcs has influncd th balanc of natural cology ). What is mor , sinc ( th industrial rvolution ) ,it is naturalthat (a grat numbr of factoris hav bn springing up lik mushrooms .Th smok and harmful chmicals rlasd from factoris also pollut th nvironmnt ).To solv th problm is not asy at all ,but is worthying .W should do somthing such as (planting mor trs , quipping cars with pollution-control dvics and larning to rcycling natural rsourcs )to improv th prsnt situation ,and i do bliv vrything will b bttr in th futur . 相关文章: 高中英语作文:万能英语作文模板(一)

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