我发现了(I found)

更新时间:2025-02-18 08:48:23 小学生作文

我发现了(I found)is a livly childhood, my childhood is no xcption. vn now, hav split my sids laughing! i rcall that school, i still do not know yt quippd to undrstand ths childrn. onc i know from th tlvision, "popl" of th word, but h knows th popl of color is khaki. shapd lik a prsonal, and somtims abov th arth.ginsng cur is a valuabl mdicin. i also s popl from th animation can b an lixir that can cur disass, thy rally bliv that popl hav th ability. th nxt day, i find playing with his cousin (though his sistr, than i do not months). w waitd a long tim to talk things ovr and finally dcidd to play th "kids picnic and pilgrims will not com." sh was rsponsibl for "cooking" and "sauc", and i am rsponsibl for th "buy." i am carrying a baskt, com to a plac ovrgrown with wds, lavs vrything abstract svral films. vn "buy."i s som inch high wds, trying abstract thir lavs, but if th stm has not switch majors to think : abstract sav troubl! so, i forcd a pull wds and swpt away togthr. what's this? this is not ginsng? i saw th tail wds ar khaki, lik th shap of a prson, : :! thr abov th soil. conditions ar mt, crtainly popl! "jia jia sistr cam! "i ylld loudly. th cousin wnshng cam : "what happnd? "" you s, i found th popl! "i vry xcitdly said. a cousin, who, aftr listning to my xplanation, thn said : "it is a bit lik. it is no good can b found only ginsng. "i plausibly said :" although fw popl found howvr, w also found that popl might discovr! popl. "cousin haring said : "that it is not how hands. hav had and th body only? "" bcaus it is not forming! "i hav larnd that th ton of a tlvision show," thr, you hav not hard, th mor dlicious dish is youngr, popl crtainly is th cas. now with tndrnss. promot mor quickly. "i look to th childish, but i was still convincd his sistr. as i hav discovrd a nw continnt, not ovr th discovry of th nw world ar also plasd that many suddnly pickd. so, i startd cooking. don, i think thy said, "horsmat popular," horsmat is all that w do, is ginsng, calld "popular popl"! i think a cousin told hr listnrs also applaudd. "sistr, you at. to know th popl can at lixir. "i am xcitd to say that but w wndaona frsh flavor, no bit. svral yars latr, i discovrd that i know from th book calld "root", not "popl." wll! aftr much attntion thn trid, thn told th othrs, is not in doubt ...

我发现了(I found)

八字精批 八字合婚 八字起名 八字财运 2024运势 测终身运 姓名详批 结婚吉日
标签: 艰难 归程 有感
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