一因多果说明:过重的学业负担-Workload Too Demanding,一因多果

更新时间:2025-02-17 14:59:46 高中生作文

一因多果说明:过重的学业负担-Workload Too Dmanding由英语作文网整理收集 过重的学业负担

一因多果说明:过重的学业负担-Workload Too Demanding,一因多果




Workload Too Dmanding

W ar at snior high school. vry day, w hav many xrciss that w can't complt and many books that w can't finish rading. Th tachrs continually rpat th words that w ar alrady abl to rcit.

Tachrs and studnts all work hard in ordr to improv th prcntags① of thos ntring collg. But th burdn of work in class is so havy that w hav littl tim to do sports, which has lft many of us in poor halth. What's wors, many studnts hav lost intrst in thir studis altogthr.

It is known to all that good halth is as important as knowldg. Virtus② such as bravry, disciplin and lov of our mothrland can't b larnd only in classs, but should also b larnd through social practic. W should b givn th tim and opportunity to b xposd to socity so w can larn what can't b taught from books.

W ar young and w hav young harts. W lov study as wll as amusmnts. W hop that th numbr of xrciss class will b rducd so w can tak part in mor aftr-class activitis. In this way w will b abl to larn much mor and b mor ffctiv in our studis.



①prcntag[p 'sntidN] n.百分数;百分率

②virtu['v :tju:]n.美德;道德


本文第一段和第二段前半部分是摆学校课业负担重的事实,谈的是原因。从第二段后半部分开始分析负担过重带来的结果。作者分析了四种结果,即负担过重会影响身体健康(poor halth),会使学生失去学习兴趣(lost intrst),会使学生学不到社会公德(social virtus),还会使学生失去娱乐活动(amusmnts)的机会。所以,本文是一因多果说明文。

一因多果说明:过重的学业负担-Workload Too Dmanding由英语作文网整理收集

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