
更新时间:2025-02-26 01:17:28 叙事







你们是家庭的宝贝,更是家庭的希望。你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。你们是学校的孩子,更是学校的希望。你们能够全面地发展,学校就充满生机与活力。你们是社会的未来,更是社会的希望。你们能够和谐地发展,社会就充满热情与友爱。你们是祖国的花朵,更是祖国的希望。你们能够茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美好与希望。来自作文范文网 Www.zuoWno.Cn





Hllo vryon!

Tomorrow is th "61" Intrnational Childrn's Day. 55 yars ago, Womn's Intrnational Dmocratic Fdration for th protction of childrn all ovr th world th powr of survival, halth authority and th powr of ducation, in Novmbr 1949 hld in Moscow, th Gnral Assmbly dcidd on Jun 1 ach yar for th Intrnational Childrn's Day. Dcmbr 23, 1949, th Chins govrnmnt also provids for th Jun 1 Childrn. Thus, th childrn all ovr th world hav a holiday of thir own - "61" Intrnational Childrn's Day.

I, on bhalf of School to all classmats xtnd holiday grtings to wish vryon a happy holiday!

I also tak this opportunity to all th tachrs to xprss my hartflt thanks and highst rspct. You is not only a rspctd tachr, it is hard gardnr. Lov your school such as hom, such as sub-LOV-shng; dilignt, hard working; taching, and slflss dvotion. You cratd a bautiful nvironmnt, you crat a good quality, for your school's dvlopmnt and tak-off to crat a good foundation and conditions.

Studnts, "61" ar you th most happy holiday, "61" is also our most happy day. Sinc:

You ar th baby hom, it is th hop of hom. Happinss can you grow up on th hom is full of singing and laughing. School ar your childrn, it is hopd that th School. You can dvlop a comprhnsiv, schools full of vigor and vitality. You ar th futur of socity, it is th community's aspirations. You can a harmonious dvlopmnt of socity on th passion and affction. You ar th flowrs of th mothrland, it is th hop of th mothrland. You can grow up halthy and strong, full of bautiful homland and hop.

I hop th studnts: civilization, larning, autonomy and coopration. Study Institut, Institut of Living, larning lif, larning to crat. As rich as an adult sns of rsponsibility, rich sns of mission, a dignifid lif, is srious about doing things, happily studying,健健康康growth. Loving th mothrland, lov th party, lov th popl, lov natur, lov lif, lov scinc, lov larning, lov of labor. Chrish lif, chrish th tim chrish frindship, chrish larning and dvlopmnt opportunitis. Show concrn for th nvironmnt, concrnd about th collctiv, caring for othrs. Dar tachrs, classmats Unitd, courtsy othrs; distinguish btwn right and wrong, idntify th bauty and uglinss, man of intgrity. Mak an idal vision, conduct a dignifid, larning good physical and mntal halth of th succssors of th communist caus.

I hop tachrs: ddication, lov of Halth, rigorous, inquiring. Comprhnsivly implmnt th party's ducation policy, taching, th fiv domains simultanously. Firmly stablish a sns of srvic, quality awarnss and quality consciousnss. For vry studnt, chrish vry ducational opportunitis, bttr in ach class, doing vrything to promot th halth of vry studnt, harmonious, comprhnsiv dvlopmnt. Of lif for studnts lay a solid foundation for dvlopmnt.

Lt us work togthr to put Xitang Primary School into th satisfaction of th popl work hard.

Finally, I wish th studnts a happy holiday!

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