What do you think of Internet

更新时间:2025-02-18 01:43:41 叙事

Intrnt is vry usful for us Th Intrnt is a grat facility for collcting information Th Intrnt maks it asy to build social connctions w can hav a lot of frinds all ovr th world and rach much knowldg by Intrnt Millions of popl municat today through -mail

What do you think of Internet

But th disadvantags of Intrnt also hav a lot Th ntwork information may b falshood, so mach as lading to a wrong dcision-making May onlin socialization wakn our ability to dal with rlationships in th ral world? Th wak-willd prsons mayb indulg ntwork-gam and amusmnt in Intrnt thrby disrpair own carr

Th lovlinss of Intrnt is infinitud and colorful, but strngthn to manag it W mak good us of it only whil w hav an appropriat approach to Intrnt

2What do you think of?

Th intrnt play a vry important rol in our daylifvryday thousands popl surf th ntWith th hlp of th nt you can gt many usful imformations,you can mak frinds with diffrnt popl who ar known or unkown,you can ask th hlp or qustion th answr

vry coin has two sids,thr ar so much rubbish on th nt,which ar som mdium mssagss about crim or sxMorvr th cost is larg,which also mak popl wast tim on it

It's abilitis should usd by poplW should corrctly tak th advantag of th nt,mak our lif mor bautiful

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