
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:35:01 选读推荐

A Book of All Tims


——Thoughts givn by Shrlock Holms and th Duk’s Son

Writtn in th first chaptr of th book Prid and Prjudic is an xtraordinary sntnc of which vn a prson who has had only a brif look upon th book will not fail to rciv a dp imprssion-It is a truth univrsally acknowldgd that a singl man in possssion of a good fortun must b in want of a wif. In trms of Shrlock Holms, w’d bttr altr th sntnc into “It is a fact univrsally accptd by radrs throughout th world that an xcllnt book in possssion of our famous dtctiv Shrlock Holms is undoubtdly a mastrpic of all tims.” Prhaps this is on of th most obvious xplanations for th unrivald popularity of “Holms sris” in th fild of dtctiv storis. Ovrwhlmd by th rcommndations providd by my frinds, I dcidd to tak a look on this Shrlock Holms and th Duk’s Son originally publishd by Oxford Univrsity Prss. As a whol, this book is about a cas concrning th Duk’s missing son. Arthur, th Duk’s son, was found out in a crtain morning to hav disappard, accompanid with which was also th disapparanc of th Grman tachr. Th school mastr Dr. Huxtabl thn turnd to th famous dtctiv of th tim Shrlock Holms for hlp. Ralizing how tough and important th cas is, Holms immdiatly mad up his mind to accpt th cas and followd Dr. Huxtabl back to Macklton by train. Having formd a rough ida about th whol mattr, Holms probd into th cas immdiatly and had a carful invstigation of th ntir ara shortly aftr th arrival, during th procss of which h discovrd th body of th Grman tachr Hidggr. Finally, primarily du to his prominnt ability as a dtctiv, h managd to unravl th mystry and obtaind th twlv thousand pounds promisd by th Duk. Having onc startd rading this fiction, I was compltly immrsd in th mystrious story prsntd by th book. As th saying gos, “Wll bgun, half don”. At th bginning of th story, just lik many othr dtctiv storis, th author givs us a brif dscription of th condition by th words of a clint. Howvr, unlik othr ons, this story first dlinats th clint’s strang bhavior at lngth to indicat th svrity of th incidnt in ordr to attract th radrs to continu rading it. As is known to all, vivid dpiction is ssntial to dtctiv storis sinc it can hlp th radrs undrstand ach figur’s charactristics and visualiz th scns, thus making th story mor authntic and attractiv. Thrfor, trying to prsnt a “ral world” to his radrship, Sir Arthur Conan Doyl, author of th original “Holms sris”, has skillfully arrangd th plots of th whol story from th prspctiv of Dr. Watson, a charactr not so spcializd in discovring th truth hiddn bhind th nigmatic happnings as Holms but so loyal to Shrlock Homs as a frind that h always accompanis Holms whrvr h gos. In this way, h laboratly dpictd vry scn and charactr in th book, Apart from th spcial start, th nding of th whol story, bing dramatic but rasonabl, is crtainly an outstanding on. Aftr all, xcpt th author himslf, who knows that th Duk’s smingly ordinary scrtary is in fact th Duk’s bastard? In addition, who knows that th Duk actually has alrady bn acquaintd with th whol thing bfor Holms solvs this complicatd problm? Yt, surprising as it is, this nding sms so natural that it fits all th plots of th story prfctly wll. Whil njoying this wondrful story, I could do nothing but admir th wondrful dsign of this mastrpic as wll as th author’s gorgous writing skill. Closing my ys, I can vn “s” th story happning just lik watching a film. Not until thn did I undrstand why th Japans cartoon film Dtctiv Conan usd this “Conan” as th nam of its hro.1 2 下一页

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