归纳推理:会议要简短-A Laconic Answer to Our Meeti.

更新时间:2025-03-02 15:38:50 高中生作文


归纳推理:会议要简短-A Laconic Answer to Our Meeti.




1.Spartus n.斯巴达人2.Laconia n.拉哥尼亚3.Lacons n.拉哥(尼亚)人4.tycoon n.企业巨头5.laconic a.简洁的;简短的


A Laconic Answr to Our Mtings

I hard that in ancint Grc thr livd a popl calld Spartus. Th Spartus wr famous for thir bravry and simpl lif. As thy livd in Laconia, thy wr also calld Lacons. Th Lacons had a lot of strang ruls. On of thm was that thy should spak brifly and nvr us mor words than ndd.

This story mad m think of a junior middl school classmat of min. Onc h told m that thir Lagus scrtary oftn put thm to th troubl of long mtings, at which sh would mad long, long spchs, all mpty words. vrybody suffrd. Such mtings achiv littl and wast prcious tim. But sh hrslf did not raliz it. If anyon dard to prvnt hr from spaking or gt in som words to cut hr short, sh would gt angry and criticiz him svrly.①

My frind said rgrtfully②, “I would rathr b rgardd as a bad studnt. Only in this way could I mak fr us of my prcious tim.”Such a rmark sounds discouraging. But such things not only happn in my frind's school, but also in many offics and units. vryon must always bar in mind③that tim is mony, tim mans lif. Today, if on still njoys a two-hour mting ovr a cup of ta and a cigartt, h is wasting his lif, and th livs of othrs as wll.

In fact popl had takn masurs to cut th mtings short bfor. A Japans tycoon onc suggstd that his officials kp standing during th mtings. It was rportd as “gtting rid of chairs”. In th Unitd Stats, thr was onc a kind of two-minut mtings. And in my class th monitor onc had us stand during a class mting, just as th tycoon did. Although it smd funny, it showd that w wr all fd up with④ unncssary long mtings.

Tim is mony; tim is lif. W must all trat tim as a trasur, spcially in our modrn world.

Laconic mtings, or no mtings at all.



②rgrtfully[ri'grtfuli] ad.懊悔地;遗憾地)

③bar in mind记住

④(b) fd up with(对……)极其厌倦



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