Basically, i support th act of uthanasia.
vryon was born qually, and vryon was born with human rights. what's human rights stand for? it simply mans th rights about lif and living, that is to say, popl should hav th rights to dcid for thmslvs whthr to liv or to di. thy ar mastrs of thirslvs. for thos who xcut th act of uthanasia, if thy oprat it undr th party's own willings, and through a lgal and opnly procss, thy should not b to blam.
And what's mor, th act of uthanasia is sort of humanitarian, spcially whn th party ar torturd by his halth condition, and it's compltly hoplss at all for thm to rcovr.
of cours, from optimistic and positiv point of viw, nobody should giv up himslf and nd his lif. but somtims, and many tims, it's just a tortur for him to prolong his lif, not only for himslf, but also his familis.