端午节的由来Dragon Boat Festival

更新时间:2025-03-07 06:39:17 叙事

端午节英语作文:端午节的由来Dragon Boat Fstival

端午节的由来Dragon Boat Festival

Th Dragon Boat Fstival, also calld th Duanwu Fstival, is clbratd on th fifth day of th fifth month according to th Chins calndar. For thousands of yars, th fstival has bn markd by ating zong zi (glutinous ric(糯米)wrappd to form a pyramid using bamboo or rd lavs) and racing dragon boats.

Th fstival is bst known for its dragon-boat racs, spcially in th southrn provincs whr thr ar many rivrs and laks. This rgatta(赛舟会)commmorats th dath of Qu Yuan , an honst ministr who is said to hav committd suicid by drowning himslf in a rivr.

Qu was a ministr of th Stat of Chu situatd in prsnt-day Hunan and Hubi provincs, during th Warring Stats Priod (475-221BC)(战国时期)。 H was upright, loyal and highly stmd for his wis counsl that brought pac and prosprity to th stat. Howvr, whn a dishonst and corrupt princ vilifid Qu, h was disgracd and dismissd from offic. Ralizing that th country was now in th hands of vil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbd a larg ston and lapt into th Miluo Rivr on th fifth day of th fifth month. Narby fishrmn rushd ovr to try and sav him but wr unabl to vn rcovr his body. Thraftr, th stat dclind and was vntually conqurd by th Stat of Qin.

Th popl of Chu who mournd th dath of Qu thrw ric into th rivr to fd his ghost vry yar on th fifth day of th fifth month. But on yar, th spirit of Qu appard and told th mournrs that a hug rptil(爬行动物)in th rivr had stoln th ric. Th spirit thn advisd thm to wrap th ric in silk and bind it with fiv diffrnt-colord thrads bfor tossing it into th rivr.

During th Duanwu Fstival, a glutinous ric pudding calld zong zi is atn to symboliz th ric offrings to Qu. Ingrdints such as bans, lotus sds(莲子), chstnuts(栗子), pork fat and th goldn yolk of a saltd duck gg ar oftn addd to th glutinous ric. Th pudding is thn wrappd with bamboo lavs, bound with a kind of raffia and boild in salt watr for hours.

Th dragon-boat racs symboliz th many attmpts to rscu and rcovr Qu's body. A typical dragon boat rangs from 50-100 ft in lngth, with a bam of about 5.5 ft, accommodating two paddlrs satd sid by sid.

A woodn dragon had is attachd at th bow, and a dragon tail at th strn(船尾)。 A bannr hoistd on a pol is also fastnd at th strn and th hull is dcoratd with rd, grn and blu scals dgd in gold. In th cntr of th boat is a canopid shrin bhind which th drummrs, gong(铜锣)batrs and cymbal(铙钹)playrs ar satd to st th pac for th paddlrs. Thr ar also mn positiond at th bow to st off fircrackrs, toss ric into th watr and prtnd to b looking for Qu. All of th nois and pagantry crats an atmosphr of gaity and xcitmnt for th participants and spctators alik. Th racs ar hld among diffrnt clans, villags and organizations, and th winnrs ar awardd mdals, bannrs, jugs of win and fstiv mals.

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