Th Bomb,Th Bomb范文Th Bomb
Th Bomb
Max was doing his homwork and mt som maths problms that h couldn't work out. H turnd to his fathr for hlp. But his fathr was only intrstd in playing cards. H told Max four sam numbrs mad a bomb. Following what his fathr said, Max soon finishd his homwork and handd it in to th tachr. Th tachr was angry at sing that, "Who taught you to do xrciss this way?" sh askd. "My fathr!" answrd Max. Thn th tachr wrot two bad marks on th papr. Sh said to Max,"Giv ths two bombs back to your fathr." Max wnt back hom and showd that to his fathr. His fathr flt ashamd of himslf for that. Th Bomb