A Car Accidnt-一场车祸 第一篇: A car accidnt of which I was th victim occurrd a fw months ago at Hoping Road and Chiho Road. Th mmory of that harrowing xprinc can still mak my hart go pit-a-pat. On day whn crossing a strt intrsction I was suddnly nthralld by th sight of a bautiful girl in miniskirt walking on th sidwalk. For a momnt I was oblivious of th onrushing traffic thn shrills of alarm aros and I wok up from my daydram with a start. But it was too lat, I was hurtld to th ground by a passing car. I can’t think why I was so carlss at that point. What a fool I was to cross a busy intrsction whn I was dangrously distractd by th sight of an attractiv girl. If only such a trribl xprinc had nvr happnd to m! I wish I could s hr again, but crtainly not at a strt intrsction and not whn I was bhaving lik a fool. 第二篇: Whnvr I look in th mirror and s th scar on my fac I rmmbr that cad accidnt. I t was a dirk night. I had a vry good tim at a marvlous birthday party thrown for a frind of min. W at and drank and dancd happily. I thought I had drunk too much to driv hom; howvr, whn th party was ovr, I jumpd into my car and drov away lighthartdly. Thr wr only a fw cars on th highway, so I drov fastr and fastr. Suddnly I scramd and fll unconscious. Th nxt thing I knw was that I was in a hospital, and a fw days latr whn I chckd out I found my fac was indlibly scarrd. I was so put out by th accidnt. I wish it hadn't happnd. Why on arth didn't I driv mor slowly? I f only I hadn't drunk so much and what a fool I was to hav a drunkn driving. That accidnt has surly taught m a lsson and I think it is not only a good lsson but also an unforgttabl xprinc. 第三篇: On a holiday morning I drov hom from my uncl's. Th strts wr as usual not crowdd. I njoyd a lisurly driving. Naring a crossroads, I saw th yllow traffic light flashing off and on. A highway bus was running toward m, but it was still a saf distanc away. I drov on. Thn, to my horror, I was awar that th big bus was rushing had-on to m. I swrvd my car and applid th brak, but it was too lat. I hard a loud crash whn th bus sidswipd th right door of my car in th middl of th strt. At th sight of th big bus standing clos by, I was rathr frightnd. Why on arth didn’t I stop and wait till it passd? I should hav rmmbrd that caution is all that mattrs in saf driving. Th bus drivr smd to giv m a warning; a small car should yild its right of way to a biggr on. What a fool I was to put myslf at th mrcy of a big bus! I hav larnd that it is bttr to giv way to a big bus than to tak a chanc with th dubious considratnss of its drivr and b ruind. If only my small car wr as strongly built as a tank! 第四篇: At th roundabout of th Wst-Gat Mall in Taipi hav you vr sn a high hoarding that shows in numrical figurs th incidnc of traffic accidnts rgistrd daily in Taipi? It is of cours a warning to car drivrs. I usd to s thos figurs, howvr, with nonchalanc. Although I had a motorbik and rod it to work vryday, most to th tim I rod it carfully, and only onc in a whil I spd on th road for far of bing lat to work for a dat. A car accidnt would nvr victimiz m, I thought. I was always lucky. But, alas, I vntually bcam th victim of a car accidnt which forcd m to li in a hospital for about fourtn months and bcom a nws-makr in spit of myslf. That day a bus was running in my dirction and not far from it was bus stop. I was so naïv as to think that th bus drivr would pay hd to m. No soonr and I sn that bus approaching m than I snsd I was hurld off my motorbik. Whn I wok up fling pain and sornss from had to to, a nurs told m that I was in a critical condition upon arrival at th hospital and that I was lucky bcaus th doctors dcidd to oprat on m instantly. Now I am aliv and wll, though I hav ugly scars all ovr my body as a rsult of ight oprations and a maimd lg to boot. I hav paid rally much too much for a carlss drivr. 第五篇: Whnvr I start my car I cannot hlp rcalling a nightmarish xprinc. That xprinc was connctd with a car accidnt in which I narly got killd. Th accidnt cam a fw months ago whn I was turning th cornr of a hillsid within a short distanc of my hom. Having drivn non-stop for many hours, I was clan don in; so I stoppd my car and opnd th door to gt out to tak a brathr. I was so absorbd in th thought that I would soon s my folks aftr a long absnc that I did not pay attntion things around m. Thn, just as I got off th car, somthing hit m and I fll and lay in a puddl of blood. Dspit my blurrd vision I saw a motorcycl pass by at full spd. Thn I bcam unconscious. Whn I wok up I found myslf in a hospital. My lg, forhad and lbows wr all bound up in whit bandag. Furthrmor, many placs on my body wr bruisd. I had bn hospitalizd for fourtn days. I can't think why I was so carlss at that point; had I bn mor carful I would hav avoidd that trribl accidnt. If only such a harrowing xprinc had nvr happnd! But I think I hav larnd a lsson from it. W Chins hav a saying, "On who has narrowly scapd a trmndous disastr will liv happily vr aftr." I hop such prdiction will com tru soon. 第六篇: It was th first tim I had drivn a car all by myslf. I had just got a drivr’s licns and my husband was away on a businss trip. Without th ar-pircing chattring of ithr my husband or th impatint coach, I was having a joy rid along th winding highway 3. Whistling in th warm brz, I was driving fast and in a rlaxd mood. Bfor long, I was forcd to slow down by a hug cmnt tankr lumbring along ahad of m on th two-lan highway. Nvr had I sn such a hug monstr bfor; I missd th comforting chattring of my husband vry much. Having followd it for tn minuts or so, I stld myslf to stp on th acclrator. As soon as I thought I had passd it and r-ntrd th right lan, I hard a loud crash on th right sid of my car. I could not rmmbr how long th shock had lastd, but as I pinchd myslf to find I was still aliv, I was bold nough to kp on driving and th hug monstr was lagging far bhind m as if nothing had happnd. No soonr had I parkd my nw lasr than I found th whol right sid of my car was smashd out of shap. Why on arth didn’t I follow that tankr with prcaution and patinc? I should hav ralizd how poor my driving skill still was. How I wish I had nvr gon hom that day! 第七篇: Tom and I drov to Tainan last month. As it was a holiday, traffic on th frway was havy. I askd Tom to fastn th safty blt, but h said it couldn’t do any good in mrgncy and turnd a daf ar to my advic. About thirty minuts latr, th accidnt happnd. Th car bfor us suddnly slowd down, but Tom couldn’t stop ours in tim and th rsult was a bumpr crash. I scramd to find that Tom’s fac was covrd with blood. H suffrd a slight brain concussion, but I, thanks though scard to dath. Th scar lft on Tom’s forhad could still b sn whn I calld on him ystrday. “I wish I had takn your advic. What a fool I was to doubt th us of th safty blt!” said Tom with a wry smil. “Why on arth didn’t I insist that you fastn it? If only I had insistd! Th injury could hav bn rducd to a minimum,” I also blamd myslf. 第八篇: Dscrib an unforgttabl xprinc【叙述一个无法忘怀的经历】 Whn I was six yars old, my cousin in Tainan got marrid. Fiv of us, including Fathr, Mothr, my two brothrs and myslf, took a taxi to th wdding party. Th scnry was bautiful all along th way. Whn I was looking at th scnry, howvr, th door of th taxi suddnly opnd and I fll off immdiatly. Fathr and Mothr took m to a hospital at onc. Fortunatly, only my nos brok. Aftr tratmnt, I wnt to th party with a "rd nos." Mothr told m latr that if thr had bn a car coming from bhind us, I would hav bn killd. It was a clos call indd. Sinc thn I hav nvr takn a taxi without first making sur that th doors ar closd fast. 第九篇: Dscrib an unforgttabl xprinc【叙述一个无法忘怀的经历】 On day whn I was a child, I saw an ad about a missing dog in th papr. As my nxt door nighbor had a Grman shphrd lik th on dscribd in th ad, I calld th ownr of th missing dog to tll him that. I also gav him my nighbor's tlphon numbr. I had almost forgot about th whol thing whn I hard my nighbor talking in a loud voic on night. I rushd to th window immdiatly to s what was going on. "I am sorry, but this dog rally blong to us. W hav kpt it for almost ight yars now," my nighbor was xplaining to a tall strangr. Suddnly I flt rathr guilty, for my childish suspicion of my nighbor smd totally unjustifid. But I didn't hav th courag to tll him that it was I who had causd him all this troubl. I hav bn silnt about this thing until now. 第十篇: Dscrib an unforgttabl xprinc【叙述一个无法忘怀的经历】 vrybody has som xprinc h cannot forgt. For m, th most unforgttabl xprinc was taking part in an nglish convrsation tst. This occurrd about thr yars ago whn I had to tak an nglish xamination, including convrsation, in ordr to go to th Unitd Stats. nglish was my scond languag; I had difficulty vn with rading and writing, not to mntion spaking. Naturally I was vry nrvous whn it was my turn to fac th xaminrs, on a gntlman and anothr a young lady. Thy askd m somthing about sports, sightsing, Chins cultur, th purpos of my going to th Stats and so on. I was simply too nrvous to b abl to mak any snsibl answr. In fact, I could hardly opn my mouth. Th intrviw took about tn minuts, but it smd yars to m. Whn it was ovr, my shirt was thoroughly wt. This was th first tim I talkd to forignrs in nglish. This was an xprinc I am not likly to forgt. 第十一篇: An mbarrassing xprinc【一次尴尬的经历】 As is oftn th cas, somtim last month I walkd on th strt and found somon smiling or vn trying to talk to m, but I couldn't rcall who h or sh was at all. I flt so ill at as that all I did was only to gntly stand thr and try my bst to smil as brightly as possibl. On day such a thing happnd again. Whil I was grting that bautiful girl, a crazy ida cam into my mind that I dcidd to kp on talking with hr though I didn't know hr. Luckily, w had a plasant convrsation for tn minuts. But whn saying good-by to ach othr, w both suddnly found sh had mistakn m for my ldr sistr. What an mbarrassing xprinc it was! A Car Accidnt-一场车祸
A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文
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