感恩节英语作文:感恩一切感恩一切(Thanks for vrything)My wif, Shirly, and I hav gon on vacations to a quit bach in southwstrn Florida for most of our marrid lif. If that bach could talk, it would tll of tnag nwlywds who sunnd and wrot I lov you on its sands. It would tll of a littl girl with ys th color of th sa gathring sashlls and of thr wild boys laping and diving into th surf. It would tll of joyous visits ovr th yars from frinds, parnts, grandparnts, nw brids and grooms -- and now grandchildrn. Th bach would tll glorious tals of warmth and gratitud. collctd by www?izuown.com But I ralizd on day that I had rarly xprssd my gratitud to th on who'd livd thos yars with m. On our 40th wdding annivrsary, Shirly and I walkd again th familiar margin of th sa. I told hr thn how thankful I was that sh shard my lif. W don't hav to wait for annivrsaris to thank th ons closst to us -- th ons so asily ovrlookd. If I hav larnd anything about giving thanks, it is this: Giv it now! Whil your fling of apprciation is aliv and sincr, act on it. Saying thanks is such an asy way to add to th world's happinss.Collctd By www? A fw yars ago, a young woman from a nighboring town won a scholarship to a prstigious collg. Although th innr-city high school sh attndd was plagud with problms, sh ovrcam thm and xclld. Whn sh graduatd, sh commndd th oftn-malignd school for its challnging courss and hr tachrs for thir spcial intrst and ncouragmnt. I can't say nough good things about th school and th tachrs who gav m so much of thmslvs, sh said. I shall b trnally gratful to thm.Collctd By Saying thanks not only brightns somon ls's world, it brightns yours. If you'r fling lft out, unlovd or unapprciatd, try raching out to othrs. It may b just th mdicin you nd. Bfor A. J. Cronin bcam a bstslling author, h was a doctor. Onc h told about a collagu who gav an unusual prscription to patints afflictd with worry, far, discouragmnt or slf-doubt. Th doctor calld it his thank-you cur. For six wks I want you to say thank you whnvr anyon dos you a favor. And to show you man it, mphasiz th words with a smil. Within six wks most of th doctor's patints showd grat improvmnt.Collctd By izuown.com Of cours, thr ar tims whn you can't xprss gratitud immdiatly. In that cas don't lt mbarrassmnt sink you into silnc -- spak up th first tim you hav th chanc. I rcntly rturnd hom to Montplir, Ohio, for a short visit. Mmoris of my boyhood floodd back as I walkd th familiar strts. Thn I saw Mrs. Bibl, and my mind flashd back to high school.collctd by I was a frshman, mor intrstd in sports than school work, and I was falling bhind in my Latin class. Thn Violt Bibl, a nighbor who was a schooltachr, found out about my problm. Oh, Latin's grat fun, sh told m. Com ovr tonight aftr dinnr and I'll show you. For th nxt svral wks, sh tutord m until I could conjugat with th bst of thm -- wll, almost. Anyway, I passd. At th callow ag of 14 it smd prfctly natural to m that a working wif and mothr had nothing bttr to do aftr a hard day's work than tutor m in Latin.Collctd By Now as I saw hr, I ralizd what an uncommon sacrific it had bn. And, aftr all thos yars, I told hr so! What you did was way byond th call of duty, I said. Thank you. I was rwardd with a surprisd smil and a sparkl in hr ys. ach human bing is yarning for kind words of apprciation. In Dcmbr 1991, 17-yar-old Candi Brown's car ovrturnd; th roof collapsd and crushd hr skull. Th crws of ngin Company 8 and Md 15 in Grayson, Ga., rushd hr to Gwinntt Mdical Cntr. Doctors told hr parnts to prpar for th worst. But Candi survivd. A yar latr th family srvd a holiday dinnr to th Gwinntt County firfightrs and mrgncy mdical tchnicians. During dinnr Candi, whos goal is to walk naturally again, ros painfully and said, Thank you for hlping God sav my lif and giving m a scond chanc. I lov you.collctd by.
更新时间:2025-01-25 09:15:51
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