一位上了年纪的木匠作好了退休的准备。他告诉老板他准备离开建筑行业,与老伴和儿孙们一起共享天伦之乐,过一种更悠闲自得的生活。虽然他因此而少了份薪水,但他想退休了。至于日子嘛,还可以凑合着过。眼看这位优秀的木工就要离去,老板很遗憾。他问木工可否帮忙再建一所房子。木工答应了,可明眼人一眼就看得出来,此时他做事心不在焉,做出的活儿技艺粗糙,用的料也没那么讲究了。他就这样为自己的建筑生涯划上了句号,真是令人遗憾。房子建好后,老板过来看新房并交给木工一把前门钥匙,说:“这房子归你了,我送给你的礼物。”多么让人吃惊,多么让人羞愧啊!假如他知道在为自己造房,他会做得大不一样。现在他不得不住在自己建造的那所粗制滥造的房子里了。我们又何尝不是如此呢?我们心浮气躁地打造生活,不是主动工作而是被动应付,能省事就省事。关键的时候也没尽心尽力。蓦然回首,才瞠目结舌地发现自己正住在自己建造的那所房子中,自食苦果。早知如此,何必当初。就当你自己就是那位木工吧。就当你为自己建房,每天要钉钉、铺板、砌墙。那么,你就该用心地去建。你的生活只能这样建造。哪怕你只在房子里多生活一天,这一天也应该活得优雅、有尊严。墙上的铭匾写道:“生活正如一项为自己打造的工程。”还有什么比这更清楚的呢?明日的生活之果,孕育于你今天的态度和抉择之树上。an ldrly carpntr was rady to rtir. h told his mployr of his plans to lav th hous building businss and liv a mor lisurly lif with his wif njoying his xtndd family1. h would miss th paychck2, but h ndd to rtir. thy could gt by3.th mployr was sorry to s his good workr go and askd if h could build just on mor hous as a prsonal favor. th carpntr said ys, but in tim it was asy to s that his hart was not in his work. h rsortd to4 shoddy5 workmanship6 and usd infrior7 matrials. it was an unfortunat way to nd his carr.whn th carpntr finishd his work and th mployr cam to inspct th hous and handd th front-door ky to th carpntr. "this is your hous," h said, "my gift to you."what a shock! what a sham! if h had only known h was building his own hous, h would hav don it all so diffrntly. now h had to liv in th hom h had built non too8 wll.so it is with us. w build our livs in a distractd9 way, racting rathr than acting, willing to put up10 lss than th bst. at important points w do not giv th job our bst ffort. thn with a shock w look at th situation w hav cratd and find that w ar now living in th hous w hav built. if w had ralizd, w would hav don it diffrntly.think of yourslf as th carpntr. think about your hous. ach day you hammr11 a nail, plac a board, or rct12 a wall. build wisly. it is th only lif you will vr build. vn if you liv it for only on day mor, that day dsrvs to b livd graciously13 and with dignity. th plaqu14 on th wall says, "lif is a do-it-yourslf projct." who could say it mor clarly? your lif tomorrow will b th rsult of your attituds and th choics you mak today.
更新时间:2025-02-14 05:56:32
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